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Fernie’s very best Griz Days events

Fernie Fox Hotel_Fernie BC_DSF0431

It’s all kicking off in Fernie in the lead up to the Fox’s favourite winter celebration – GRIZ DAYS. The festival pays tribute to our powder overlord; the “big guy” up there on the far cornicles of Polar Peak who we have to thank for an epic season…


The Griz.


The Legend of the Griz

Now you might be wondering, who is this guy? What’s his story? And what does it all have to do with Fernie?  Well, let’s face it – Fernie wouldn’t be a quintessential mountain town without a fantastical tale addressing why we get so lucky with the white stuff on an annual basis. 


As the legend goes, one cold, harsh winter’s night in 1879, a baby boy was born high above the town in a grizzly bear’s cave in the Lizard Range. Over the course of that winter, the boy grew strong and resilient to the elements and when spring came, the grizzly that inhabited the cave awoke from its deep hibernation. Hungry and displeased to find a newcomer in its home, a ferocious battler ensued between the boy and the bear. 


The next morning, the bravest of the townspeople went to the mountains to find the source of the scrap heard all around the valley the night before. One of the searchers thought they glimpsed a little boy leaping over the mountain dressed in a grizzly’s fur, but this was laughed off by the other searchers. That is, until the many sightings over the years began to be reported – of a boy, and now man, appearing in plumes of powder on a fine winter’s day. Now gigantic, dressed head-to-toe in bearskin and carrying an 8-ft long musket that delivers powder all winter long, the name Griz was born.


Griz Days top events: 3 – 5 March 2023

To celebrate the powder maker, each year Fernie hosts Griz Days – a series of celebratory events over three days. For our local patrons and those that have been coming to Fernie for a while, you’ll understand why Griz Days are a big hit, but do you know the foxiest events happening as part of this year’s festival?


  1. Griz Days Party

When: 8pm, Friday 3 March

Where: The Legion, 551 1st Ave

Who: 19+

Entry fee: $5 for Legion members and RCR staff; $10 for everyone else

What: Fernie’s Legion puts on a party during the festivities each year – and they’re worth every cent. This year’s Griz Days looks to be no exception, with the theme Griz gone corduroy at play! With prizes for the best outfit, live music by the Long-haired Businessmen (blues, outlaw country and rock) and DJ Naytaron (country-inspired dance), the Griz Days party will be blast.  


  1. Rocky Mountain Lumberjack Show #1

When: 4pm, Saturday 4 March

Where: Station Square

Who: Everyone

What: The Rocky Mountain Lumberjack Show is a Fernie favourite – with the best lumberjacks from all around the Rockies in attendance to showcase who really is the #1 lumberjack!


  1. Raging Elk Dummy Downhill

When: 10am – 4pm, Sunday 5 March

Where: Fernie Alpine Resort

Who: Everyone

What: The dummy downhill is a classic, featuring entries from businesses and mates alike from all over Fernie. The race features man-made dummies on skis or sleds launched off a huge jump next to Timber Chair. Half the fun is in the lead up to the event, making the dummies (which are usually hilarious in themselves) and then watching them soar to new heights on the day.


Find out more about what’s happening on the official website – https://www.ferniegrizdays.com/ 


Looking for somewhere to stay while you check out everything Griz Days has to offer? Come stay with us at the Fernie Fox Hotel.


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