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Driving sustainable hospitality: Why the Fernie Fox Hotel has introduced EVs onsite

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The Earth is at a critical tipping point due to the ongoing effects of climate change, which means that now – more than ever – businesses need to level up to support climate action. Working to put the planet first at such a critical time is what drives us and we’re always on the lookout to adjust and improve our green practices and technologies. Our latest initiative is the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) to replace the use of diesel and gas powered vehicles. Reducing our energy consumption is a key goal of our sustainability plan, and we’re really thrilled about this latest shift to further scale down the hotel’s emmissions. 


So why has our business made the move to EVs, what are the benefits?


Environmental stewardship

If there’s one thing to know about the Fernie Fox Hotel, it’s that sustainability is our bread and butter. We consider ourselves environmental stewards. Being based in Fernie, BC, means we’re surrounded by wildlife and natural wonders – of course we want to preserve and protect our environment! Did you know that with zero tailpipe emissions, EVs contribute to cleaner air and less pollution? By transitioning from conventional gasoline or diesel vehicles to EVs, we’ve significantly reduced our carbon footprint. 


Cost Savings

Electric vehicles provide a tangible financial advantage for us. Although the initial investment may be higher compared to traditional vehicles, EVs offer long-term cost savings. Electric charging costs are significantly lower than fuel expenses, resulting in lower operating costs. Moreover, EVs have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance, translating into additional savings over time. To boot, we also installed an EV charging station in 2018, which means that in addition to guests vehicles, we can also charge our own fleet onsite.


Did you know we’ve got solar panels that account for 60% of our hotel’s total energy consumption each month on average?


Enhanced guest experience

At the Fernie Fox Hotel, we pride ourselves on providing an exceptional guest experience and electric vehicles play a role in this. EVs operate quietly, minimizing noise pollution during the night and day, and guests can enjoy a comfortable and more tranquil stay. To boot, we’re also the first hotel in Fernie to introduce EVs and many other green practices, which means guests who come to stay with us are supporting sustainable hospitality.


Positive community impact

As an active member of the community, the Fernie Fox plays a vital role in contributing to the well-being of our town and environment. By using electric vehicles, we significantly reduce our contribution to air and noise pollution, ultimately enhancing the community’s health and quality of life. We also want to encourage other businesses in the region to follow suit in adopting planet-first equipment and practices.


The benefits of EVs extend beyond environmental stewardship, cost savings, better guest experience and positive community impacts. By driving sustainable hospitality through initiatives such as electric vehicles, we show our commitment to a greener future while encouraging others in the industry and community to follow suit. As guests seek out and embrace eco-conscious establishments, we hope to lead the way for the entire hotelier hospitality industry.


At the Fernie Fox Hotel, we take sustainability seriously. Our goal is to become BC’s most sustainable hotel.

Looking for a hotel in Fernie that does good? Stay at the best hotel in Fernie – book your stay by calling 1-8770447-6788.


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